Sure, we've seen the Xbox 360's forthcoming Dashboard update demoed in a polished presentation and detailed in high res press pics, but if you're like us, you don't really get exciting about something until it's leaked out into the wild and shown off blurry cam-style. The particuarly adventurous can apparently even take their chances and install this new "Xbox Experience" update themselves, but the exact details about where to get it and how to install it are understandably a bit hard to come by. If you do go that route, however, you'll need to make sure you have a modded console with an Infectus 2 Chip in the system and, most likely, a second 360 to fall back on in the event the first bursts into flames. The rest of us will just have to make do with the video after the break.
VIA linkMonday, July 28, 2008
How to float a pin on water
Do you see that? Do you? It's bloody magic init! If you ever wondered how that Jesus bloke did it, then read on, gentle reader, read on.
First off, stick a bit of bog roll on the top of the water
Drop your pin, or in this case, needle, on top of the bum paper
The paper slowly sinks to the bottom of the glass
Leaving the needle on the surface of the water. Stick 'surface tension' into Wikipedia if you want to understand the messy science. However, it's probably more useful as a "I bet £10 I can balance this pin on the top of your beer" thingie. Or wine, if you're posh or a lady.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Rare Guinness book world record 1978 edition Selling…
I have a rare edition of Guinness book of world record rare edition
if any interested im buying this book…
contact me : +919795349461
About Jannat (Heaven)
When Mu'min will enter into Jannah, it will be announced
1. You will remain healthy forever, disease will never come.
2. You will remain alive for ever, death will never come.
3. You will remain in bounties which will never be finished.
Jannat is made with
Bricks of Gold and Silver.
Its cement is of perfumed Musk.
Its chips are pearls and Yaqoot.
Its sand is Zafraan.
There are eight doors ofJannah. These are eight grades of Jannat
1. Jannatul Mava
2. Darul Maqaam
3. Darul Salaam
4. Darul Khuld
5. Jannat-ul-Adan
6. Jannat-ul-Naeem
7. Jannat-ul-Kasif
8. Jannat-ul-Firdous
Food of Jannah
They will eat foods and fruits continuously up to 40 years.
Every bowl will have a new taste.
They will take eructation which will digest the food and there will be perfumed sweating for the digestion of water.
There will be no urine and stool.
Place Name
There will be gardens in Jannah.
Every garden will have the length of about 100 year's journey.
The shadow of these gardens will be very dense.
Their plants will be free of thorns.
The size of their leaves will be equal to ears of elephants.
Their fruits will be hanging in rows.
Jannatul Mava is in the lowest,
Jannat-ul-Adan is the middle &
Jannat-ul- Firdous is on the highest.
Those who love each other for the sake of Allah
will get a pillar of Yaqoot,
On which there will be seventy thousand (70,000) rooms.
These will shine for the residents of Jannah as the sun shines for the residents of Duniya.
There will be rooms in Jannah in such a way that every room will have seventy thousand (70,000)dinning sheets.
On every dinning sheet 70,000 types of foods will be served.
For their service 80,000 young boys will be moving around looking like beautiful scattered pearls.
One bunch of dates will be equal to the length of 12 arms.
The size of a date will be equal to the big pitcher.
These will be whiter than milk, sweeter than honey and softer than butter and free
Of seeds.
The stem of these plants will be made up of gold and silver.
There will also be gardens of grapes. The bunches of grapes will be very big.
The size of a single grape will be equal to a big pitcher.
Someone asked, ya Rasulullah (Sallalahu alaihi wasallam):
will it be sufficient for me and my family. It was answered, it will besufficient for you and your whole tribe.The Dresses of Jannat
The dress of Jannah will be very beautiful.
One will wear 70 dresses at a time.
These will be very fine, delicate, weightless, having different colors.
These dresses will be so fine that the body even the heart will be visible.
And the waves of love in the hearts will also be visible.
These dresses will never become old, never be dirty and will never tear.
There will be four canals in every Jannah.
1. Water
2. Milk
3. Honey
4. Sharabun Tahoora.There will also be three fountains in Jannah:
1. Kafoor
2. Zanjabeel
3. Tasneem
Qualities of People of Jannah
In Jannah, height of every Mo 'min, will be equal to the height of
Hazrat Adam (Alaihissalaam) 60 arms (90 feet).
Beauty will be like that of Hazrat Yousuf (Alaihissalaam)
Age of youth will be like that of Hazrat Esa (Alaihissalaam) 30-33 years).
Sweetness of voice will be like that of Hazrat Dawud (Alaihissalaam).
Tolerance will be like that of Hazrat Yaqoob (Alaihissalaam)
Patience will be like that of Hazrat Ayyub (Alaihissalaam.)
Habits will be like that of Sayyaduna Muhammad (Sallalahu alaihi wasallam)
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Intel’s profit rises by 25%, notebooks help
ntel Corp said on Tuesday quarterly net income rose 25 percent, helped by strong sales of microprocessors used in notebook computers, and gave a revenue forecast that topped expectations. The world’s biggest chipmaker also reported an improved gross margin for the second quarter, but it was slightly below the midpoint of its own forecast range due to price pressures. For the current quarter, Intel said it expects revenue of $10.0 billion to $10.6 billion, compared with the average analyst forecast of $10.0 billion, according to Reuters Estimates.
Intel has been benefiting from brisk sales of notebook PCs, which are on track to outpace sales of desktop PCs this year. On Monday, Intel rolled out the latest generation of its Centrino wireless chip after a delay of several months. Shares of Intel ticked higher following the results, after gaining 1.2 percent in regular Nasdaq trading. “I like the revenue outlook and the gross margin outlook,” said Doug Freedman, an analyst with American Technology Research. “The only slight negative is the spending level on marketing and general administration is slightly higher.”
Source : reuters
15 Portable Apps to Help Troubleshoot PC’s
Avira UnErase (file recovery)
File Recovery tool for Windows 2000 and XP. Install on a PC, then copy the installation folder to your USB thumb drive. Though it’s no longer officially supported, it’s still available for download, and it still works. Download here.
CCleaner (PC optimization)
The popular PC optimization and privacy tool has a Portable Edition that you can download and install on your USB thumb drive. Related tutorial: How to use CCleaner to free up disk space on your Windows PC
ClamWin (anti-virus)
Following the instructions found here, you can carry the open-source anti-virus software ClamWin on your USB pen drive. Great for removing viruses when you’re unable to install anti-virus software on the host PC.
DBAN (secure disk eraser)
DBAN is a self-contained boot disk that securely wipes the hard disks of most computers. Download the USB flash drive version from Related tutorial: How to completely wipe all the data from your hard drive
JkDefrag (disk defrag)
JkDefrag is a portable disk defragmenter and optimizer for Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista/2008/X64. Completely automatic and very easy to use, fast, low overhead, with several optimization strategies, and can handle floppies, USB disks, memory sticks, and anything else that looks like a disk to Windows. And it’s open source.
K-MAC (MAC address changer)
Useful for network troubleshooting. Download here.
On-Screen Keyboard (virtual keyboard)
Working on a PC with a broken keyboard? Or one that has keys remapped to the strangest of places? On-Screen Keyboard will come in handy. Note: part of the PortableApps suite.
Portable MV RegClean (registery cleaner)
Registry cleaner for 32 and 64bit Windows. Also allows you to make backups of any registry change made by MV RegClean. Download here.
Portable UnInstall Cleaner (software uninstaller/cleaner)
When a program does not properly uninstall or problems occur in the uninstallation, there will be excess entries in the registry. UnInstall Cleaner can delete these entries so that you don’t take the painstaking job of cleaning the the registry manually. Download here.
Process Explorer (advanced task manager)
Hugely improved version of Windows Task Manager. Download here. Related tutorial: How to get detailed information on each running process in Windows
Restoration (file recovery)
Restoration is another file recovery tool, but this one works on Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista. If you’re trying to recover files in 2K or XP, try Avira UnErase (see above) first.
Roadkil’s Boot Builder (create custom boot sectors)
Boot Builder allows you to create your own custom boot sector from scratch. This utility allows you to recreate or restore boot sectors lost due to virus or other damage to a drive. Boot sectors can be imported/exported to a disk or created from a template. This program supports FAT and NTFS boot sector types.
SpyBot Search and Destroy (spyware removal)
Download SpyBot Search and Destroy, install it on your PC and then follow the instructions found here to make it portable. Related tutorial: How to remove spyware from your PC
System Spec (System Information Utility)
Find detailed information on the PC you’re troubleshooting. Works in Windows 2000 and XP completely, some info won’t be displayed (though it does work) on Windows 98 and ME. Download here.
What Is Transferring (TCP packet sniffer)
What Is Transferring is a portable packet sniffer for Windows 2000/XP. It can capture and display the TCP/IP packets that pass through a network adapte. Very helpful for determining unwanted connections and then viewing what those connections have sent/recieved.
Man arrested for taking over San Francisco network
A computer engineer has been arrested and accused of hijacking San Francisco’s FiberWAN (Wide Area Network) computer system, which holds details of city payroll files and confidential law enforcement documents. City prosecutors have charged Terry Childs, a 43-year-old computer network administrator, with four counts of computer tampering on the network. They allege he has locked out all passwords except his own and is refusing to hand it over. “Defendant Childs was arrested on Sunday, July 13, 2008 at his home in Pittsburg, California by members of the San Francisco Police Department and was immediately taken into custody,” said the city’s DA office in a statement.
“The felony counts against the defendant were charged the following day by the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office.” City officials are now working on the system to get access and control back and to date Childs is still not helping them. The media are reporting that Childs was facing disciplinary action for poor performance and had set up a software alert if anything changed in his personnel file. He may also have passed password information on to third parties. Childs faces a possible seven years in prison and will be back in court on Thursday.
Google launches Lively, virtual world sim
A really bad news for Second Life: Google is launching a new service today called Lively, a browser based virtual world add-on that lets users create and customize avatars and worlds, interact with other users, and generally have a richer social interaction than is offered by GTalk today. Worlds can be embedded into web pages, although only Windows users on IE or Firefox can view them, after an add-on download and installation. Mac and Linux users will have to wait for now.
Google has created a number of sample rooms that can be copied and altered, or users can start from scratch and build their own world. Furniture and other items can be added and moved around. Avatars can talk to each other, do things like dance and shake hands, and manipulate objects (in a demo, my avatar was able to blow up drums of toxic waste by double clicking on them. Users can also, of course, chat with each other - GTalk is the underlying chat engine. This isn’t yet a full Second Life competitor. There’s no single world, for example, where users can move around. But it’s easy to see Google evolving this into a single online world. And then, of course, selling advertising into it.
Source: Washington Post
Apple opens iPhone App Store
Apple on Thursday launched the App Store for the soon-to-be-released 3G iPhone, making a major push at becoming a key player in what’s expected to be the next generation in computing. The online store coupled with the media player-smart phone hybrid completes the company’s platform for a ubiquitous connection between an ultra-portable computer and the Internet. “The iPhone is not a phone. It’s a connected touch-screen computer that goes into your pocket and just happens to make phone calls,” said Michael Gartenberg, analyst for Jupiter Research. Apple entered the market in a big way by introducing through the App Store about 500 applications for the new iPhone, which goes on sale Friday at 8 a.m. local time. For people with the slower original iPhone, Apple on Thursday released firmware version 2.0, which is the same operating system as in the new device.
For $9.99, people can load the OS in the iPod Touch, which is the iPhone without the phone. People can also access the App Store by downloading version 7.7 of the iTunes software, which also was released on Thursday. The latter makes it possible for iPhone buyers to deploy software from their Macs or PCs. In being able to offer hundreds of applications on the first day the 3G iPhone is available, Apple has shown that developers are onboard. About a quarter of the App Store software is free, with 90% of the paid software available for $9.99 or less. Apple, which must first approve applications before they go on sale, takes 30% of the revenue generated from paid software, but does not charge developers offering free applications. Available software includes games, educational program, mobile commerce, and business productivity tools. A third of the applications are games.
400GB optical disc invented by Pioneer
Got a big archiving project you’ve been itching to do? Pioneer’s latest development could help you keep all your data in one nice, little circular package. The Japanese electronics maker has been working on an optical disc, which, like Blu-ray, can store 25GB of data in a single layer. But Pioneer says it’s one-upped the high-definition format to the sixteenth degree. The company announced today that it has a single disc that contains 16 layers of storage, at 25GB each. That adds up to 400GB of data capable of being stored on a single disc.
Blu-ray comes in single layer (25GB) and dual-layer (50GB) flavors. Pioneer does say that because the lens specification for reading the discs is similar to Blu-ray, “it is possible to maintain compatibility” between its disc and Blu-ray discs. That’s not saying it will be compatible, but it would make sense since Pioneer is one of the original Blu-ray Disc Association members. However, plans for that archiving project will have to be put on pause if you want to use this technology. Pioneer is going to demonstrate it at an industry conference next week, but for now the disc is read-only. Eventually, they’ll add write capability as well.
Source: Cnet
Monday, July 21, 2008
Student Credit Card Info
Student Credit Card Knowledge Is The Key To Success!
The world of credit cards can be scary. It's even scarier than wearing last season's Uggs. Lots of big words, responsibilities, etc. Student card info is especially important because it is meant for those who are just entering this big, scary world. Once you are forced into making sound financial decisions, it will all become more clear. But in order to do so, you need a little background.
The main difference between a student card and a regular credit card is that the former tends to have a lower credit limit, designed to control spending, and lower interest rates. They are both a little added protection for the inexperienced, perhaps less informed, spender. Probably the most common cards used are the student Visa card and the student MasterCard. The difference between the two is most likely negligible, but you'd need to read up on both and choose the best one for you.
The importance of responsible spending with a student credit card is mostly that it has the power to influence your credit rating. Establishing good credit history is vital to your financial future because it is what lenders will look at when deciding to give you a car, house, or any other type of loan. Student credit cards are more limited than regular cards, but can be taken no less seriously for this reason. That is why knowing student card info is necessary. Being well informed about your credit card will help you make more sound financial decisions.
Which Student Credit Card Is Right For You?
The more Student Card Info you possess, the readier you will be to choose wisely. Many opt for Visa student credit cards because their parents have a Visa and are more familiar with it. That is an okay way to assess a credit card company. However, a Visa student credit card may not be right for you just because a visa has worked out for your folks. You need to research the finance charges, interest rates, billing and grace periods, and other information specific to each credit card in order to choose the best one for you. There are many student cards, and I'm sure one has your name on it. Get educated and apply today! The sooner you do, the sooner you can look forward to graduating with credit card debt.
Lung Cancer
What is cancer of the lung?
Cancer of the lung, like all cancers, results from an abnormality in the body's basic unit of life, the cell. Normally, the body maintains a system of checks and balances on cell growth so that cells divide to produce new cells only when needed. Disruption of this system of checks and balances on cell growth results in an uncontrolled division and proliferation of cells that eventually forms a mass known as a tumor.
Tumors can be benign or malignant; when we speak of "cancer," we refer to those tumors that are considered malignant. Benign tumors can usually be removed and do not spread to other parts of the body. Malignant tumors, on the other hand, grow aggressively and invade other tissues of the body, allowing entry of tumor cells into the bloodstream or lymphatic system which spread the tumor to other sites in the body. This process of spread is termed metastasis; the areas of tumor growth at these distant sites are called metastases. Since lung cancer tends to spread, or metastasize, very early in its course, it is a very life-threatening cancer and one of the most difficult cancers to treat. While lung cancer can spread to any organ in the body, certain organs—particularly the adrenal glands, liver, brain, and bone—are the most common sites for lung cancer metastasis.
The lung is also a very common site for metastasis from tumors in other parts of the body. Tumor metastases are made up of the same type of cells as the original, or primary, tumor. For example, if prostate cancer spreads via the bloodstream to the lungs, it is metastatic prostate cancer in the lung and is not lung cancer.
Lung Cancer Picture
The principal function of the lungs is the exchange of gases between the air we breathe and the blood. Through the lung, carbon dioxide is removed from the body and oxygen from inspired air enters the bloodstream. The right lung has three lobes, while the left lung is divided into two lobes and a small structure called the lingula that is the equivalent of the middle lobe. The major airways entering the lungs are the bronchi, which arise from the trachea. The bronchi branch into progressively smaller airways called bronchioles that end in tiny sacs known as alveoli, where gas exchange occurs. The lungs and chest wall are covered with a thin layer of tissue called the pleura.
Lung cancers can arise in any part of the lung, and 90%-95% of cancers of the lung are thought to arise from the epithelial, or lining cells of the larger and smaller airways (bronchi and bronchioles); for this reason, lung cancers are sometimes called bronchogenic carcinomas or bronchogenic cancers. Cancers can also arise from the pleura (the thin layer of tissue that surrounds the lungs), called mesotheliomas, or rarely from supporting tissues within the lungs, for example, blood vessels.
How common is lung cancer?
Lung cancer is responsible for the most cancer deaths in both men and women throughout the world. The American Cancer Society estimates that 213,380 new cases of lung cancer in the U.S. will be diagnosed and 160,390 deaths due to lung cancer will occur in 2007. Lung cancer is predominantly a disease of the elderly; almost 70% of people diagnosed with the condition are over 65 years of age, while less than 3% of cases occur in people under age 45.
Lung cancer was not common prior to the 1930s but increased dramatically over the following decades as tobacco smoking increased. In many developing countries, the incidence of lung cancer is beginning to fall following public education about the dangers of cigarette smoking and effective smoking-cessation programs. Nevertheless, lung cancer remains among the most common types of cancers in both men and women worldwide.
Lung cancer has also surpassed breast cancer in causing the most cancer-related deaths in women in the United States.
What causes lung cancer?
The incidence of lung cancer is strongly correlated with cigarette smoking, with about 90% of lung cancers arising as a result of tobacco use. The risk of lung cancer increases with the number of cigarettes smoked over time; doctors refer to this risk in terms of pack-years of smoking history (the number of packs of cigarettes smoked per day multiplied by the number of years smoked). For example, a person who has smoked two packs of cigarettes per day for 10 years has a 20 pack-year smoking history. While the risk of lung cancer is increased with even a 10 pack-year smoking history, those with 30 pack-year histories or more are considered to have the greatest risk for the development of lung cancer. Among those who smoke two or more packs of cigarettes per day, one in seven will die of lung cancer.
Pipe and cigar smoking can also cause lung cancer, although the risk is not as high as with cigarette smoking. While someone who smokes one pack of cigarettes per day has a risk for the development of lung cancer that is 25 times higher than a nonsmoker, pipe and cigar smokers have a risk of lung cancer that is about five times that of a nonsmoker.
Tobacco smoke contains over 4,000 chemical compounds, many of which have been shown to be cancer-causing, or carcinogenic. The two primary carcinogens in tobacco smoke are chemicals known as nitrosamines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The risk of developing lung cancer decreases each year following smoking cessation as normal cells grow and replace damaged cells in the lung. In former smokers, the risk of developing lung cancer begins to approach that of a nonsmoker about 15 years after cessation of smoking. For more, please read the Smoking and Quitting Smoking article.
Passive smoking
Passive smoking, or the inhalation of tobacco smoke from other smokers sharing living or working quarters, is also an established risk factor for the development of lung cancer. Research has shown that nonsmokers who reside with a smoker have a 24% increase in risk for developing lung cancer when compared with other nonsmokers. An estimated 3,000 lung cancer deaths occur each year in the U.S. that are attributable to passive smoking.
Asbestos fibers
Asbestos fibers are silicate fibers that can persist for a lifetime in lung tissue following exposure to asbestos. The workplace is a common source of exposure to asbestos fibers, as asbestos was widely used in the past for both thermal and acoustic insulation materials. Today, asbestos use is limited or banned in many countries, including the Unites States. Both lung cancer and mesothelioma (a type of cancer of the pleura or of the lining of the abdominal cavity called the peritoneum) are associated with exposure to asbestos. Cigarette smoking drastically increases the chance of developing an asbestos-related lung cancer in exposed workers. Asbestos workers who do not smoke have a fivefold greater risk of developing lung cancer than nonsmokers, and those asbestos workers who smoke have a risk that is 50 to 90 times greater than nonsmokers.
Radon gas
Radon gas is a natural, chemically inert gas that is a natural decay product of uranium. It decays to form products that emit a type of ionizing radiation. Radon gas is a known cause of lung cancer, with an estimated 12% of lung cancer deaths attributable to radon gas, or 15,000 to 22,000 lung cancer-related deaths annually in the U.S., making radon the second leading cause of lung cancer in the U.S. As with asbestos exposure, concomitant smoking greatly increases the risk of lung cancer with radon exposure. Radon gas can travel up through soil and enter homes through gaps in the foundation, pipes, drains, or other openings. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that one out of every 15 homes in the U.S. contains dangerous levels of radon gas. Radon gas is invisible and odorless, but it can be detected with simple test kits.
Familial predisposition
While the majority of lung cancers are associated with tobacco smoking, the fact that not all smokers eventually develop lung cancer suggests that other factors, such as individual genetic susceptibility, may play a role in the causation of lung cancer. Numerous studies have shown that lung cancer is more likely to occur in both smoking and nonsmoking relatives of those who have had lung cancer than in the general population. Recent research has localized a region on the long (q) arm of the human chromosome number 6 that is likely to contain a gene that confers an increased susceptibility to the development of lung cancer in smokers.
Lung diseases
The presence of certain diseases of the lung, notably chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), is associated with a slightly increased risk (four to six times the risk of a nonsmoker) for the development of lung cancer even after the effects of concomitant cigarette smoking are excluded.
Prior history of lung cancer
Survivors of lung cancer have a greater risk than the general population of developing a second lung cancer. Survivors of non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLCs, see below) have an additive risk of 1%-2% per year for developing a second lung cancer. In survivors of small cell lung cancers (SCLCs), the risk for development of second cancers approaches 6% per year.
Air pollution
Air pollution from vehicles, industry, and power plants can raise the likelihood of developing lung cancer in exposed individuals. Up to 1% of lung cancer deaths are attributable to breathing polluted air, and experts believe that prolonged exposure to highly polluted air can carry a risk similar to that of passive smoking for the development of lung cancer.
See more : Source causes, treatment and more
Sunday, July 20, 2008
20 Amazing Facts About Voting in the USA
Did you know....
1. 80% of all votes in America are counted by only two companies: Diebold and ES&S.
2. There is no federal agency with regulatory authority or oversight of the U.S. voting machine industry.
3. The vice-president of Diebold and the president of ES&S are brothers.
4. The chairman and CEO of Diebold is a major Bush campaign organizer and donor who wrote in 2003 that he was "committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year."
5. Republican Senator Chuck Hagel used to be chairman of ES&S. He became Senator based on votes counted by ES&S machines.
6. Republican Senator Chuck Hagel, long-connected with the Bush family, was recently caught lying about his ownership of ES&S by the Senate Ethics Committee.
7. Senator Chuck Hagel was on a short list of George W. Bush's vice-presidential candidates.
8. ES&S is the largest voting machine manufacturer in the U.S. and counts almost 60% of all U.S. votes.
9. Diebold's new touch screen voting machines have no paper trail of any votes. In other words, there is no way to verify that the data coming out of the machine is the same as what was legitimately put in by voters.
10. Diebold also makes ATMs, checkout scanners, and ticket machines, all of which log each transaction and can generate a paper trail.
11. Diebold is based in Ohio.
12. Diebold employed 5 convicted felons as consultants and developers to help write the central compiler computer code that counted 50% of the votes in 30 states.,2645,61640,00.html
13. Jeff Dean was Senior Vice-President of Global Election Systems when it was bought by Diebold. Even though he had been convicted of 23 counts of felony theft in the first degree, Jeff Dean was retained as a consultant by Diebold and was largely responsible for programming the optical scanning software now used in most of the United States.
14. Diebold consultant Jeff Dean was convicted of planting back doors in his software and using a "high degree of sophistication" to evade detection over a period of 2 years.
15. None of the international election observers were allowed in the polls in Ohio.
16. California banned the use of Diebold machines because the security was so bad. Despite Diebold's claims that the audit logs could not be hacked, a chimpanzee was able to do it! (See the movie here:,2645,63298,00.html
17. 30% of all U.S. votes are carried out on unverifiable touch screen voting machines with no paper trail.
18. All -- not some -- but all the voting machine errors detected and reported in Florida went in favor of Bush or Republican candidates.,2645,65757,00.html
19. The governor of the state of Florida, Jeb Bush, is the President's brother.
20. Serious voting anomalies in Florida -- again always favoring Bush -- have been mathematically demonstrated and experts are recommending further investigation.,10801,97614,00.html
NOTE: Some of the data are outdated but much of it is still true. But don't take my word for it.
Do your own research and discover the truth for yourselves. You may freely copy and distribute this copy as long as credit is noted.
Apple’s super MAC OS X menubar items
access web services
Amua ★
Control radio streams; an alternative to the official player.
free; open source
Display the number of unread items in your Bloglines subscriptions.
free; open source
Quickly access your bookmarks.
View a drop-down list of front page stories on Digg.
dotMac Menu
Quickly access parts of your .Mac account and iDisk.
FMenu ★
Display Facebook notifications and quickly access parts of the site.
free; open source
Gmail Notifier
Display the number of unread messages in your Gmail inbox.
Automatically send recent iTunes track information to
Search the Web using various search engines.
unlimited trial; $15
Display if (and in which folders) your IMAP server has new mail.
free; open source
Display the number of unread messages in Apple Mail.
Automatically see whether POP3 accounts have new messages.
Search the web, Spotlight-like, using various engines.
View a list of new software on MacUpdate (checked periodically).
Look up word translations between English, Japanese, and Korean.
Reader Notifier ★
Display the recent unread items in your Google Reader account.
free; open source
RSS Menu
Be notified of new entries in RSS and Atom feeds.
WoW Status
Display the current status of World of Warcraft servers.
unlimited trial; $8
Display a scrolling stock ticker in your menubar.
Check whether your Yahoo Mail inbox has new messages.
free; open source
launch things
Launch applications, organized by folder.
Launch applications, files, folders, and urls.
limited trial; $5
Launch selected applications (automatically adds new ones).
free; open source
manage information
Format text in the clipboard, especially to help markup blog entries.
unlimited trial; $10
Check Off
Make simple to-do lists and check them off.
free; open source
Share clipboards across your local network.
Create bookmarks (with notes and due dates) in several applications.
free; open source
High Priority
Create, edit, and delete iCal To Do items.
unlimited trial; $6
Save and access your clipboard history.
free; open source
Library Books
Display the list of books you have checked out from your library.
Easily save and access URLs from a drop-down list.
Record and access voice notes.
limited trial; $12
time and weather
Alarm Clock ★
Set alarms (with optional music), timers, and stopwatches.
Cosmic Debris
Display the probability of an Aurora Borealis event in your area.
free; open source
Countdown Clock
Display the amount of time remaining until a point in the future.
Display the current time in a “fuzzy”, idiomatic style.
Display the current time in four different cities around the world.
View a compact monthly calendar.
unlimited trial; $20
Display customizable weather forecasts for United States cities.
free; open source
Display the current phase of the moon.
unlimited trial; $12
Set an alarm clock; optionally play an MP3 as the alert.
limited trial; $10
List recent earthquakes around the world.
Set a simple alarm clock for the near future.
WeatherBug Lite ★
Display the current local temperature and any weather alerts.
interface helpers
Select Dashboard widgets and display them on your desktop.
limited trial; $20
Switch applications, Classic-style.
unlimited trial; $15
Caffeine ★
Stop your Mac from going to sleep or displaying the screensaver.
CoconutWiFi ★
Indicate the existence of any open wireless networks in range.
Manage your desktop pictures, lock your desktop, and more.
limited trial; $13
Easily hide all of the icons on your Desktop.
limited trial; $17
Eject any or all disks (iPod, CD, USB drive, .dmg file, etc.).
Change your default email, FTP, news, RSS, and web apps.
Mount and unmount iDisk, WebDAV, and FTP servers.
free; open source
Lab Tick ★
Control your backlit keyboard with a slider.
MainMenu ★
Run a variety of maintenance tasks from your menubar.
Access specific System Preference Panes.
unlimited trial; $5
Control the priority of each currently running process.
Change your screen saver or lock your screen.
limited trial; $5
Access and modify your Sharing preferences.
Switch between audio input and output devices.
Automatically hide applications after a period of inactivity.
SSHKeychain ★
Manage your SSH keys (integrates with Keychain) and forward ports.
free; open source
SwitchResX ★
Extensively manage the resolutions of all your monitors.
limited trial; €14
Switch between open windows via an itemized list.
limited trial; $10
Display customizable iTunes information and control iTunes.
limited trial; $10
Control iTunes with customizable buttons and hotkeys.
iTunes Doodad
Basic drop-down iTunes controller.
Control iTunes with a variety of features.
limited trial; $10
Menuet ★
Control iTunes, rate songs, display artwork, submit tracks to, etc.
Control iTunes and display album artwork.
limited trial; $10
watch your system
App Stop
Pause CPU usage and set priorities for running applications.
limited trial; $15
Cee Pee You
Display CPU load as a percentage in your menubar.
View your current internal and external IP addresses.
Display how much memory the current application is using.
Monitor CPU, memory, disk, and network statistics.
free; open source
Mouse Position Menu
Display your mouse-position coordinates.
limited trial; €15
Server Siren ★
Monitor your web servers and get alerts if they go down.
limited trial; $15
Monitor battery power in a variety of styles.
Display the “health” status of your hard drive.
free; open source
Temperature Monitor
Display your current processor temperature, where possible.
Display the amount of time since you booted your computer.
other stuff
Extend your Bluetooth phone with call alerts and other features.
limited trial; $20
Link your desktop to any folder, effectively switching the items on it.
Easily send files across a LAN by dragging and dropping.
Calculate a variety of things from your menubar.
free; open source
Play MP3s (light CPU load, unlike iTunes).
free; open source
Easily create thumbnail icons for image files.
Create new Appleworks documents and access recent ones.
limited trial; $10
View and change your Skype user status, launch/quit Skype, and more.
free; open source